Lions return to Hoanib Floodplain

Thursday 4 February 2021


The two Orphan lionesses, Xpl-106 “Alpha” & Xpl-109 “Bravo”, returned to their home range in the lower Hoanib river one month after they ventured into the unknown and discovered the Hoaruseb riverbed (see map). During this period they explored the area from the coast to Leyland’s Drift and exploited the “linear” oasis that was rich in food and water. The unsuspecting prey species, such as springbok and gemsbok, have not encountered lions for almost a decade and the lionesses were successful in killing several animals. The excursion to the Hoaruseb unfortunately also brought them into contact with livestock for the first time. Their reconnaissance of the Hoaruseb river will most likely lead to an expansion of their home range and the lionesses are expected to return to the Hoaruseb in due course. Although the Rapid-response Team was successful in preventing the lionesses from moving east of Leyland’s Drift and attacking livestock, the lionesses will most likely return and the HLC management system will be tested again. The future of the two Orphan lionesses depends on the successful management and prevention of human-lion conflict at Leyland’s Drift and along the Hoaruseb river towards Purros.

Movements of the Orphan lionesses
Movements of the Orphan lionesses

Two lionesses cross the gravel plains between the Hoaruseb and Hoanib rivers
Two lionesses cross the gravel plains between the Hoaruseb and Hoanib rivers

Orphans heading towards the Hoanib river

A flash flood along the Hoanib river reached the Floodplain on 1 Feb 2021
A flash flood along the Hoanib river reached the Floodplain on 1 Feb 2021