Rainfall and Floods

Wednesday 31 March 2021

The two Orphan lionesses left the flooding Hoaruseb river and moved down to the Hoanib Floodplain where, on arrival, they made a kill – presumably a gemsbok. The research vehicle was stranded on the northern side of the Hoaruseb river for two days as rainclouds continued to build before a successful crossing was made at the river mouth. The Hoanib river was also in flood and access to the Orphan lionesses was not possible.

Crossing at the mouth of the Hoaruseb river with assistance from Shipwreck Lodge


Continuing build-up of cumulous clouds – viewed from the mouth of the Hoaruseb river

A camera-trap mounted on the gravel plains at Ganias spring, between the Hoanib and Hoaruseb rivers, captured valuable images of congregations of gemsboks and ostriches utilising the brackish water, as well as a spotted hyaena.
A camera-trap mounted on the gravel plains at Ganias spring, between the Hoanib and Hoaruseb rivers, captured valuable images of congregations of gemsboks and ostriches utilising the brackish water, as well as a spotted hyaena.​ A camera-trap mounted on the gravel plains at Ganias spring, between the Hoanib and Hoaruseb rivers, captured valuable images of congregations of gemsboks and ostriches utilising the brackish water, as well as a spotted hyaena. A camera-trap mounted on the gravel plains at Ganias spring, between the Hoanib and Hoaruseb rivers, captured valuable images of congregations of gemsboks and ostriches utilising the brackish water, as well as a spotted hyaena.

On the Hoanib Floodplain two camera-traps recorded movements of elephants that followed the flood waters, a Floodplain lioness and an African wildcat.
On the Hoanib Floodplain two camera-traps recorded movements of elephants that followed the flood waters, a Floodplain lioness and an African wildcat. On the Hoanib Floodplain two camera-traps recorded movements of elephants that followed the flood waters, a Floodplain lioness and an African wildcat. On the Hoanib Floodplain two camera-traps recorded movements of elephants that followed the flood waters, a Floodplain lioness and an African wildcat.​​